31 July 2019

Orby Parish Council


Notice is given of a Parish Council Meeting to be held at 7. p.m. on Wednesday 31st July 2019 in the Village Hall, Orby.




The Meeting will begin with a Public Participation Session


1. Chairman’s comments


2. Apologies for absence


3. To receive Declarations of Interest


4. Notes of the meeting held on Wednesday 26th June 2019 to be approved as Minutes


5. Clerk Report


a) The Clerk has replied to Paul Edwards advising that Orby Parish Council wish to be consulted on all planning applications, they also wish to continue receiving paper plans


6. Correspondence Received



7. Report from LCC & ELDC Councillors


8. Finance


a) To approve payments

Salary July £126.80

Village Hall £120.00

V Clark £24.00


b) Balance of accounts

Current £4380.08

Savings £ 3073.09


a) Submitted


Planning Permission - Change of use of land for the siting of 10 no. lodge caravans with sheds and decking, excavation of land to provide 2 no. wildlife ponds, construction of internal vehicular access roads and lighting bollards.

Land West Of, Orby Road, Burgh Le Marsh


E Mail received from Cllr Vassar


b) Decision


Planning Permission - Change of use, conversion of and alterations to 3no. existing holiday cottages to provide 1no. residential dwelling.

The Chestnuts, Marsh Road, Orby, Skegness, PE24 5HY



E Mail received from Cllr Vassar

Full Planning Permission Granted


Determination of whether or not prior approval is required as to a) transport and highways impacts of the development, b) the noise impacts of the development, c) contamination risks on the site, d) flooding risks on the site e) whether the location or siting of the buildings makes it otherwise impractical or undesirable for the buildings to change from agricultural use to form 2no. dwellings falling within Class C3 (dwelling houses) of the Schedule to the Use Classes Order.

Grazing Farm, Faulkers Lane, Burgh Le Marsh




c) To Discuss


Planning Permission - Construction of a car park, erection of a boundary fence and entrance gates to the maximum height of 1.3 metres all which is within the curtilage of a listed building.

Gunby Hall, Station Road, Gunby, Spilsby, PE23 5SS


10. Highways


a) Reports

Damaged Sign – Middlegate Road

352544 – Signs in ditches


Maintenance required on footpath through the village


11 Speed Indicator – Cllr Walton


12 Emergency Plan


13 View on the New Local Plan


14 Items for the next Agenda


15 Date of next Meeting


Wednesday September 25th