Minutes for Meeting July 2024

Orby Parish Council

Orby Parish Council meeting took place on: Wednesday 24th July 2024, Village Hall, Orby at 7pm

Prior to the meeting, there was a Public Forum commencing at 7pm and during this time, Members of the public could ask questions, or make short statements to the Council.

The Council meeting commenced at 7.15pm. This notice summons all members of the Council to attend from 7pm or submit their apologies to the Clerk at the earliest opportunity.

Signed: Alan Vassar –Alan Vassar. Clerk to the Council (Tel: 07935 150634)

Public Forum

  • Cars on the corner of Orby are having difficulty negotiating the bend – since the removal of the willow tree – cars think it’s a straight road and are driving into the field. Cllr Davie to talk to Highways.
  • Highways at LCC have written to all caravan sites re: transport of lodges etc through the village.
  • Car parking in the area car parks are down in revenue by £1/4m – this would indicate a lot less visitors and if so, businesses that are dependent on Tourists will presumably suffer.
  • A question was asked if our new MP was aware of the issues in the area. He is apparently buying a house in this area so that may give him an insight.

Parish Council Minutes

  1. Apologies for absence

Cllr Inkley, Cllr Eyre

  1. To receive Declaration of Interests
  3. Notes of meeting held in May 2024 to be approved as Minutes

So approved

  1. To receive reports from outside bodies

Cllr Davie: The very expensive Leisure Centre is now open in Mablethorpe  - well worth a visit.

Sid Dennis – a person with  a big personality and probably known to most people, has died. As a Councillor of Croft, no doubt he will be sorely missed and I am sure that his seat will be hotly contested.

The Pylon threat – NG will be back in September with firmer proposals – LCC have commissioned Consultants to look at their proposals and will instruct a KC when this has been completed.

ELDC benefitted by £4m because of the underground cables.

The two main routes for the 50m pylons are through National Trust land but secondary path takes it near to Heron’s Mead.

It would take an Act of Parliament to overcome the NT objections.

People at Alford will be adversely impacted by the substations planned and if the pylons get approval, next will come on shore wind and solar farms.

LCC has reduced its Carbon footprint by 74.6% by utilising solar panels/LED street lights/electric vehicles etc.

Surface dressing is due to be done in Orby soon – more news when the dates are confirmed.

  1. Reports from Councillors re:external meetings

Cllr Walton – Had a meeting with the Church re: the defibrillator positioned on the wall of the village hall.

The proposal was that the original funds were raised for its purchase by the Church Fundraising Team that the Parish Council should now take responsibility for its upkeep.

This was agreed by the PC and Cllr Walton added that – if it was on the ‘circuit’ it would need regular health checks. With this in mind the PC set aside £300 for an MOT and Cllr Walton to organise. PCC to inform about the PC’s decision.

  1. Pylon update and response to NG from Orby PC, solar farm updates and onshore wind farms?

As placed on the Orby Parish Council web site.

  1. Finance reports
    1. Current bank account totals/cheque recs.

See statement.

  1. Finance:
    1. To pay other outstanding amounts to be detailed
      1. LALC £154.30
  2. Next meeting to be decided

Sept 18 but then the last Wednesday in the month. Timetable to go on the Orby PC web site.

  1. Any other business for discussion (only) and/or inclusion in the next Agendas –

Notice Board – purchase of?

30mph speed limit signs – Purchase of?

Orby PC has PC has  vacancies for Councillors and Cllr Walton has sold his property so he has now limited time on this council.


Published: Sunday, 1st September 2024