
Orby Parish Council

Notice is hereby given that the Orby Parish Council meeting will take place on:

Thursday 15th February 2024, Village Hall, Orby at 7pm

Prior to the meeting, there will be a Public Forum commencing at 7pm and during this time, Members of the public may ask questions, or make short statements to the Council.

Members of the public and press are welcome.

The Council meeting will commence at 7.15pm. This notice summons all members of the Council to attend from 7pm or submit their apologies to the Clerk at the earliest opportunity.

Signed: Alan Vassar –Alan Vassar. Clerk to the Council (Tel: 01507 463065)

Parish Council Agenda

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. To receive Declaration of Interests
  3. Notes of meeting held in September 2023 to be approved as Minutes
  4. To receive reports from outside bodies
  5. Co-option of new Councillors if present
  6. Reports from Councillors re: external meetings
  7. Update on Neighbourhood Plan – request for volunteers to join the NP Committee
  8. Planning notices
    1. N/134/00171/24 | Planning Permission - Erection of dwelling on site of existing dwelling which is to be demolished. | THE ACRE, GUNBY ROAD, ORBY, SPILSBY, PE23 5SW
  9. Finance:
    1. To pay other outstanding amounts to be detailed
    2. Pay increase award for Clerk as per the NALC agreement
    3. Renewal of Zurich Liability Insurance - £214
  10. Next meeting March 27th 2024
  11. Any other business for discussion (only) and/or inclusion in the next Agenda

Published: Thursday, 8th February 2024